Sunday, April 6, 2008


You just gotta love New Year's Eve parties. Especially when you are young and can't drink but get to instead see all of the drunk adults. This is a person that I know. You will probably never hear from me that she is my neighbor...oops! I am not in a particularly good mood so I thought I would share something that never fails to put a smile on my face. Have a swell day.


I was thinking, maybe if things keep going this way, I am going to make you say have a swell day to me instead. Life can be annoying sometimes. Oh well.


Beachbum said...

if you read this, i just want you to know the damage you have caused. at this moment i am sitting at my computer crying. about everything. i might even make a whole post about it someday. you have done what you wanted though, haven't you. well congradulations. you did it!

griffinrider said...

beachbum, are you ok? you sounded terrible on my blog. are you still crying? about anything specific, or about the world in general? man, there's a whole lot to cry about, isn't there? gosh, am i just making you feel worse? how about this- i'll update my blog now. i'll go add a new post. i don't know what it'll be about yet, but whatever. will that make you feel better?

and if you ever feel like, talking, my blog is always open.

have an AWESOME day!

griffinrider said...

oh, i forgot- you wanted some book recomendations, right? well, here are a few boos. some are a bit below my reading level, but you can try them anyway:
the bartimaues trilogy, by jonathan stroud.
ender's game, by orson scott card, and ender's shadow, by the same author.
a great and terrible beauty, by libba bray. this is my ALL-TIME FAVORITE BOOK!!!!!
try all of these. they're incredible.

have a sublime day!

griffinrider said...

ha ha. i wrote "boos" instead of "books". that was weird. sorry.

i feel so bad. you're gonna see a "4 comments" thing, and get all excited, but all of them are from me! sorry to disappoint you. you probably want more hits.

have an incredible day!

Mella said...

I love new year.

Are you ok?

Alannah said...

Lol, thats a funny video!

I don't want to seem nosy, but are you ok? You sounded pretty upset in your comment for this post.

thanks for mentioning that comment that is probably a virus to me. I sort of suspected it was but I'm not really sure where to go to delete comments. I did add one of those vertification things though.

Beachbum said...

wow, you guys are awesome. thank you. i feel alot better after sleeping for like 10 hours. well what happened is that girl suzanne(i think this is what happened) wrote something mean to the girl with the really long screen name. i think it's caitlin. and now caitlin won't let anyone look at her blog. i feel terrible. why are people(suzanne) so mean sometimes? anyway, thanx for being so nice. it has really made my day.

Beachbum said...

what do you guys do to celebrate New Year's Eve? this video was taken durring a party at my house. we have a party for family friends and neighbors every year. talk to you later. bye.

griffinrider said...

well, in my culture, new years isn't in january. my culture's calander is TOTALLY different from everyone else's. you probably think that's really strange. right?

Beachbum said...

well i guess i don't think it's strange. just different. what culture are you? it seems so similar, yet so different. when is your new year celebrated?

griffinrider said...

beachbum, i'm glad you're feeling better.

random question: how did you find out about my blog?

Beachbum said...

well, my dad has a blog and i was looking at it. then i clicked on procrastinating in his interests. and i clicked on your and read you blog. and then i was like "man, i can't tell if this is a girl or a guy!" and i wrote a comment. that's pretty much it. just so you know, i was really bored and it was a snow day. so have you read any of the books that i got for christmas? i asked you on your blog. and i was wondering, did you not answer the question about new year for a reason? idk. talk to you later. i gotta go to bed. bye.

griffinrider said...

about your books, i read the book theif. it was strange, but good. you mean to tell me that you've had those books since december and you haven't read them yet?! that wouldn't be possible for me.

and in regard to new year, the thing is, i think if i told you, you would find out my culture. now, i'm very proud of my culture, and i totally don't mind if you know, but there's a certain other person on these blogs who i would rather not tell, for various reasons. so if you're real curious, ask me later, ok?

Beachbum said...

i was sorta thinking that could be a problem. and the only reason i haven't read them is because i've had other good ones to read. i also got twilight for christmas and so for a good two weeks i was reading that (the reason it took so long is because we were reading novels in school) and i kind of forgot about the other books and read others. have you ever read sheye rosemeyer's blog? i find it quite addicting. i love it. bye.

Undyings said...

wow...hmm...i dont know if he'll do good.bye...and thanx for the comment

griffinrider said...

no, i don't think so. what's the blog's address?

Beachbum said...

well i don't know the address, it's on my favorites. but if you type in sheye rosemeyer on google, you will find it. she is a photographer and she lost her daughter last year in a tragic accident. it just gives you an idea of all the things people deal with every day. when i found it, i read every entry from start to finish. it was strange reading the posts before they lost ava. idk. check it out if you have spare time. she is really cool. bye.

Beachbum said...

and i was just looking at your comment again and thought "how did you write that at 10:45 in the morning" didn't you have school? or are you on a different time?

griffinrider said...

beachbum, i'm sorry if i insulted you with my comment when we were talking about religion. i didn't mean you specifically! no hard feelings, i hope.

griffinrider said...

oh, and no, i don't have school today. no school the whole week, for that matter. i guess you would call it something like a "spring break."

Beachbum said...

oh, my spring break was last week. how long is your break? mine was only one week, but i had friends who had break for 2 weeks. i'm so jealous. and don't worry, i'm not offended. personally, i feel as if the arguement is between mii maker and us. he/she doesn't seem to want to accept our religions. oh well. to bad so sad i guess. bye.

griffinrider said...


Beachbum said...

yup? yup what? us vs. mii maker? 2 week spring break? i'm a little confused what the yup is. let me know. bye.