yay!! it's winter break and i am soo happy to be out of school for a few weeks. 2009 is fast approaching and i can't wait to see what the new year will bring for us. for sure a new president and a changing economy, more responsibility around the house and new challenges to face. but i'm wondering more about the unpredictable events that will pop up in the future.
well, i realize i haven't been keeping up with my promise to come on here more often but hey, maybe that will be one of the changes that will take place in the new year. ttyl guys :)
-Christine <3
Monday, December 29, 2008
Posted by Beachbum at 8:46 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
wow i'm sorry, i haven't really been keeping up my promise to be on more often. hmm, at the moment, everything is not the best. i am in the middle of huge drama at school. i'm not really gonna go into it but every one's talking about and kinda mad at me and honestly idk why they even care about what happened. long story short, it's not going super well right now. i'll try to be on more but i'm not sure if it'll happen. ttyl
Posted by Beachbum at 5:29 PM 4 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I'M BACK!! i can't make a long post right now but just wanna let everyone know that i will be on much more often from now on. i'll talk to everyone soon!
Posted by Beachbum at 10:00 PM 6 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
This may be a little strange but this post is about a 180 degree turn around from the last post. School is going great. Friends are fun. The homework situation is fine. It seems like everything is going perfectly for me as of now.
Last night was so much fun. It was my homecoming dance and I went with a group of nine friends and a few of their dates. We went to dinner, then the dance, and to a bonfire next. I didn't get up today until about 11:30am and it was great.
And some even more exciting news for me, my friend Sara who had a date is going to try and hook me up with one of her boyfriend's friends. Who knows, it might turn out really well.
So pretty much I'm having a good time right now. I really hope it stays like this for at least a few months. Hope you guys are doing fine right now, too! Talk to you later.
Posted by Beachbum at 3:48 PM 8 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Sometimes life can really suck. So far this year school has been really. And my dad is being weird. My brother and sisters and annoying. Swimming is hard. And I’m only two weeks into school. About 34 left to go. I know I sound really whiney and annoying right now but that’s how I feel.
And by the way, why is everyone leaving blogger?! Star said she was done. Griffinrider said she would be back in august and she still hasn’t come back. Does blogger slowly but surely drive you into insanity? I’m kidding but really, what’s going on?! I’ll talk to everybody later. Bye.
Posted by Beachbum at 8:33 PM 10 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Hmmm... I didn't realize how long it had been since I last posted. And I've kinda run out of ideas sooooo I thought I might put up a list of my ten favorite songs and see what you guys think.
- All Around Me-Flyleaf
- Viva la Vida-Coldplay
- Stacy's Mom-Fountains of Wayne
- Send Me On My Way-Rusted Root
- Time Warp-Rocky Horror Picture Show
- I Will Follow You Into The Dark-Death Cab For Cutie
- Leisure Suite-Feist
- Guilty Pleasure-Cobra Starship
- Check Yes Juilet-We The Kings
- Drive My Car-Beatles
Well that's it folks! Do you guys like any of those? I do happen to have very strange taste in music. But hey, it's all about what you like not what everyone else likes.
Have a swell day!
Posted by Beachbum at 4:52 PM 14 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
It has been a while. Sorry. At this very moment I am still anxiously awaiting my copy of Breaking Dawn. I decided to pre-order but now I’m wondering if that was such a great idea. I hope that it will arrive in the mail by Thursday. So to all of you out there that have already gotten your copy and zoomed through it in just a few hours, please don’t give anything away. And I am also aware that it doesn’t come out until August 4th everywhere outside of the
Well, this isn’t exactly the post I planned to write but oh well. What’s going on with everyone else? I promise that my next post will not be so centered around me. Talk to you later. Bye.
Posted by Beachbum at 3:06 PM 13 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Wow. It has been soooo long since I was on last. Where is everyone?! I used to get more comments and now I have like five. hmmm. A little bit sad. I am currently doing swim camp from 7-9 in the morning and my muscles ache. I need to get in shape.
Is anyone else as excited as I am about Breaking Dawn almost being released?! I can't wait! This has been a good summer for reading. I have read so many books that I wanted to in the school year but didn't have time for.
I'm am not ready to go back to school. Summer is just too great. Next year I have a super full course load. Not excited about that.
I'm lonely, so just pop in any time and leave me a comment. It will make me smile big!
Have a swell day!
Posted by Beachbum at 10:21 AM 29 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Well I'm home from camp! But unfortunately I came home to an unexpected disaster-I live in Cedar Rapids, IA. And for anyone who doesn't know why that's a big deal, try watching the news sometimes. I am so glad that my house is okay but so many others are not. We only have 50% of our usual amount of water and all bridges over the river except one are closed. It's pretty much total chaos here. So sorry I can't really blog about camp right now but I promise I will in the upcoming days and weeks. I'll talk to you guys later.
Have a swell day!
Posted by Beachbum at 11:15 AM 6 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Well, today we are having a birthday party for my sister Avarie. She will be turning one on June 12th. She is such a happy little girl most of the time. Always has a smile on her face. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the age of one when everything was so simple. No major concerns or decisions. When you're a baby you don't know all of the bad things that could happen tomorrow, you just know that that banana over there looks pretty tasty. Hmmm, if only.
On another completely different note, tomorrow I leave for french camp. Yeah! So this means that I won't be here for quite sometime. After camp I go to my mom's house so my online time will be limited for aproximatly 5 weeks. Sorry, I know you'll all miss me. Just kidding. See you guys later. Bye.
Posted by Beachbum at 11:28 AM 11 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Fashion. It's the best and worst thing to happen all at the same time. In some ways, fashion is an amazing way to share what you want to be and who you are. It shows our unique personalities and views. But on the other hand, fashion is something that every one wants to do. Or to restate that, we want to be cool and fit in. To be like all the 'cool' people that were creative in the first place. This fact completely takes the originality out of 'fashion' and being your self, showing the world who YOU are. Not your neighbor or best friend. What do you guys think?
Have a swell day!
Posted by Beachbum at 9:29 PM 17 comments
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Posted by Beachbum at 8:26 PM 24 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Here she is! And pictures of my dad's other children. None of me, I couldn't find a good one! My sisters playing together. Avarie and Harper
Just Avarie. I took this one, I'm pretty proud.
Keigon. You can't really tell here, but he is evil. I took this one, too.
Keigon again. Playing soccer. Or not. Man, I sure take a ton of pictures!
That's them. I am currently digging throught my computer to find a picture worthy of being put on the world wide web.
No wonder I can't find one, I take all of the pictures. Always behind the camera.
p.s. correction from an earlier post, Harper's middle name is Elisabeth not Elizabeth. Sometimes I think my step mom needs to be put on meds. Why must she do everything so strangly?!
Posted by Beachbum at 3:29 PM 12 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
YEAH! My step-mom had her baby on Monday! A cute baby girl named Harper. She was 8 lbs. and 2 oz. What a cutie pie! I'm going to work on getting some pictures on here later tonight or tomorrow. Sorry this is such a short post but I have TONS of other stuff going on. Got to go do my homework!
Have a swell day!
Posted by Beachbum at 8:17 PM 11 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Spring has arrived out of nowhere. All the flowering trees are gorgeous and the grass is green. When I wake up in the morning, I can hear birds chirping. That sort of thing really puts a smile on my face. Yesterday we had a tornado warning at about ten at night. The sirens went off right after I had said to my step-mom, "Hey, it looks like this storm is going to hit us any second. Maybe we should get some flashlights out." And then BAM! there were the sirens. It really caused a lot of confusion in my household. My siblings had just fallen asleep and I was on my way to take a shower. Obviously, it didn't happen. This is off topic but, did you know that you arn't supposed to take a shower durring a lightning storm?! But even thought it caused stress and disruption, I was still mildly happy because you know it's truely spring when you have tornado warnings. What types of severe weather do you have where ever it is that you live?
Have a swell day!
p.s. I'm planning on putting some pics of my neighborhood on here tomorrow. Only if I have time though!
Posted by Beachbum at 10:26 PM 11 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Oh man! I changed my layout and it deleted my poll! If I put it back on, will you guys vote again? Depending on your answer, I will or won't. Maybe I should just make a different poll. Do you have any suggestions? I'm open for anything that comes to mind.
Have a swell day!
Posted by Beachbum at 12:18 AM 12 comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Posted by Beachbum at 10:08 PM 10 comments
Sunday, April 27, 2008
A few days ago I was thinking about this. Why is it that whatever we have we always want more? For my birthday I got several nice new things that I wanted. Some people around the world don't even know how they are going to get their next meal. Why are we so greedy? Take this for example: When you don't have a tv you want one. Once you have a tv you want cable. Then after you get cable you want a new HD tv. And it just keeps going on forever. But still when we have all these things we rarely find the time to help others. You don't go out with your friends on the weekends and help serve lunch at the homeless shelter or go paint houses for people who are getting their first house with help. Why are we so self centered? What do you think? Could you help more?
Posted by Beachbum at 10:41 PM 10 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
For my school chorus we are doing this song. The only thing different is that we are not a show choir so we are not doing the actions. This song is hilarious. My favorite part is when we do the rap in You Can't Touch This. When my teacher does it though I could almost pee my pants. I haven't yet though! (okay, there was that one time, but only a little!) I'm just kidding. Haha, disreguard my stupidity please. Are any of you in chorus or band or orchestra or show choir or jazz band or ...?
Have a swell day!
Posted by Beachbum at 5:44 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Yeah! Thursday is my birthday and I get to take my driving test. If I pass the written test I get to have my permit. Finally I could drive with my parents in the car. I super excited if you can't tell.
Here is some interesting trivia about my birthday:
- Five other people in my family have the same birthday.
- This includes my dad, his twin cousins, and the daugther of another cousin of Dad's.
- The fact that my dad and I have the same b-day causes problem when it comes to the birthday person picking where to go out to dinner.
- No one famous was born on my birthday.
- 3 other people in my grade at my school have the same birthday as me.
- I don't like any of them.
I can't think of anything else, and yes, I know that was the lamest trivia ever.
Have a swell day!
Posted by Beachbum at 11:12 PM 3 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Posted by Beachbum at 10:30 PM 13 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
Last night as I was on my way to my confirmation banquet, it started raining. I was SO happy. We're talking pouring rain. Rain is one of my favorite things ever. I find it to be very refreshing and relaxing. This is one of the reasons that I love spring so much. When people hate the rain and avoid it I think they are silly. Do you like rain?
Have a swell day!
Posted by Beachbum at 1:47 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Have you heard Mariah Carey's new hit "Touch My Body"? What do you think about it? When you actually listen to the lyrics, it is horrible. Yet still I find myself humming it arround the house. How do songs that are so bad get stuck in your head so easily? I don't get it. What are your views on this song and the hundreds of similar songs? Have a swell day!
Posted by Beachbum at 7:54 PM 7 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Posted by Beachbum at 4:10 PM 13 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I was talking to an out of state friend today, and came to the conclusion that I want a job. And I want to drive. With a permit that is. My friend lives in Iowa and she has her drivers permit. Lucky. She is 14 and so am I, but do I get mine, no. And she could have a job if she wanted. The most job like thing I can do is babysit and mow the lawn. In my opinion, all of the states should have the same laws on driving ages and job ages. Aren't we supposed to be united? Does anyone feel the same way I do on the situation? Let me know.
Posted by Beachbum at 10:45 PM 13 comments
Today I'm home sick. Not a fun thing at all. I had a fever of 102.6 last night and couldn't get to sleep. Right now I'm feeling much better than before. And it's raining outside. The rain always makes me smile a little brighter. Spring is the best season in my opinion. With the rain and flowers and lets not forget the best part, my birthday! Which season is your favorite? Bye.
Posted by Beachbum at 4:17 PM 6 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
You just gotta love New Year's Eve parties. Especially when you are young and can't drink but get to instead see all of the drunk adults. This is a person that I know. You will probably never hear from me that she is my neighbor...oops! I am not in a particularly good mood so I thought I would share something that never fails to put a smile on my face. Have a swell day.
I was thinking, maybe if things keep going this way, I am going to make you say have a swell day to me instead. Life can be annoying sometimes. Oh well.
Posted by Beachbum at 2:03 AM 23 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I love youtube.com. It has to be one of the best ideas ever. Today I was really bored so I typed in ketchup to see what came up. Guess what? There is a song called the ketchup song. It's actually in Spanish. So I cliked on one that looked interesting and found this group of friends that makes hilarious versions of music videos. Then I clicked on another one of their songs. Here it is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2po7_LeqcM What do you think? I love it.
Have a swell day!
Posted by Beachbum at 3:12 PM 10 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
Sooo...*long awkward pause*
Anyway, I was wondering, what does your hair look like? This may sound like a stupid question but really I want to know. And it could be a stupid question. If you let me know, I'll let you know.
Have a swell day!(Hey, how's that Star?!)
Posted by Beachbum at 2:11 PM 8 comments
Well, I have started this blog because I wanted a way to share my opinions and let myself be heard. Leave me a comment and I will be the happiest girl on the planet, don't and my daddy will track you down. Just kidding! Have a nice day.
Posted by Beachbum at 12:17 AM 4 comments