Tomorrow is Memorial Day. In my mind, Memorial Day has lost it's true meaning. It is supposed to be a day to remember the soilders who gave their lives to protect our country. At least where I live, tomorrow is a day that we will be having a party. The neighborhood pool opens. We all celebrate, but not our soilders, the comming of summer and the end of school for this year. Does anyone actually remember what Memorial Day is about anymore?!

Here is a picture of my neighborhood pool that i took not 15 minutes ago from my back door. This is what even I am looking forward to tomorrow.
Have a swell Memorial Day!
i hate how no one remembers memorial day's true meaning. thank you for being the first besides me BB!!! now you are totally awesome in my book! (Well, awesomer)
haha! thanks! you're pretty cool in my mind, too. and your book is pretty sweet, i wanna read more!
normally for memorial day me and some other people have a parade up to this stone cross and we have a cermony and then we parade back down, but i don't think many other people do anything, it's a bit boring and cold standing outside for hours because our is more in winter time but its a nice thing to do and everyone remebers the people who died.
My neighborhood doesn't even have a party.
But I agree with you, if you asked kids in my school what memorial day is really about half wouldn't know.
I'm not sure the change in font size could mean that Breaking Dawn cover is a fake. I think the current blank cover's title they have now doesn't really reflect the real ones, its just something to put there so people know what book it is.
cool! have fun at the pool! I never celebrated Memorial Day, so I don't really remember the meaning of it.
wow, i feel stupid, most people do know. but when the day comes they forget the real meaning, it's like: "OF ALL DAY'S TO FORGET THE MEANING YOU CHOOSE THE ACTUAL DAY!"
lots of these national holidays have lost their meaning. seriously, does anyone think about colombus on colombus day? i sure don't. but memorial day is very important. my grandfather is a veteran of WWII, so all of these holidays that have to do with war are more personal in my family. and my brother is seriously thinking of joining the army. so days like this- memorial day, veterans day- are more than just a "day off" for me. i actually think about all those people who gave their lives for me and my country. i think everyone should do the same.
these days are very important to me. i blew off a bunch of cool stuff like swimming and more just to stay home and think of our soldiers.
that is so true. everyone in my area just have a huge bbq. yum! :D
i don't even like barbeques... BLECH!
how can you not like barbeques?!
We actually have a pool that will be opened eventually but until then it's a green blog unworthy of a picture *rolls eyes*
yes, the day has really lost it's true meaning. The thing is, unfortunatly i'm used to it.
if you look at it so many different holidays have become commerical. no one really takes time to look at why they have the day off, they just enjoy it.
i myself know that i'm not the most patriotic person but i did find myself thinking about all those people who had died, and how easily we have forgotten them as just another day off of school...
i love memorial day so much...
and i hate barbeques cuz i don't eat meat
I don't think many of the holidays i celebrate have been forgotten, we don't celebrate much but we always remember them in little ways like we have 5 min slience at school to think about it or mass or not very often there are parades, like when we have st. georges day we all parada to the cathedral and have a really nice mass and its great. but then i don't think we have as many holidays to remember, we don't have columbus day etc
whoa...i celebrate all holidays, even ones that aren't american holidays. so i just can't imagine someone not even having all the holidays...whoa!
well it seems like we have 3 extremes here. people that go all out and have a big family bbq, those who spend tons of time thinking about our soldiers quietly, and the few that just treat it like a normal day. hmmm... a little odd.
anonymous, so i take it you don't live in america, where do you live? the uk?
alannah, i think we will soon know if the cover is real or not. let's not argue too much.
vynn, that makes me cringe a little bit. you've never celebrated AND don't remember the meaning?!
jin, i can't believe that you don't like bbqs! i don't really love the stuff that goes with bbqs but i love hot dogs and hamburgers!
griffinrider, that's so cool that your grandpa is a WWII veteran. is he still alive today? if so, have you ever talked to him about the war? i would love to hear first hand what that time was like.
ruby, thank you so much for checking out my blog. i'll try to come check out your blog and stay in touch. i make no promises though.
kat, it's so sad that we have gotten used meaning-less holidays. everything has become commercial. very saddening.
talk to you guys later!
Haha, I've already sent the pictures to Line (via email) mostly because I've yet to post one me face-foreward and they are(and I know her personally) but I also took one at an angle (which I'm ok with posting (I know I'm weird))
So I'll post that one in a little :P (I just posted like a million pictures and I don't know if my computer can take much more of this :P)
(And yes, I do love perentheses XD)
yeah, my grandfather is alive, thank G-d. he's 86, i think. or is it 85? i'm not usre, but it's something around there. i don't see him that often, cuz he lives halfway across the country and doesn't like to travel much. but he's told me a little. i know he drove a tank, and that he killed quite a few Nazis. i don't know my grandfather that well, but i love him just for that! he doesn't like talking about the war much, though, so i don't know very much about his experiences. my brother has always admired my grandfather for being a war veteran, and that's what started him seriously thinking about joining the military. if he does, i'll be really worried and really proud of him at the same time.
and jin, barbeques are still good, even if you're a vegetarian. ever tried barbequed corn? yum!
hahaha! i dun like barbequed corn, but i do like grilled pinapple. hmm...differences. well, the bbq's we have here in my neighborhood involve hotdogs & hambugers and soda only. it sucks for me. i hate it, can't they serve anything else? GAH! my brother is so annoying!!!!!!! oh well, i love 'im anyway cuz he's my bro.
hi. i have been away.
your sister is sooo cute and all your other siblings.
its not memorial day for me over here, but i still think we should spread the meaning, if that makes sense, which i dont think it does......
i love bbq's
but who ever wants to make sense? it's too much fun to be so cunfuzzaling that you can confuzzle yourself!
kat, i just checked out the pictures. wow! it's much shorter than the pictures you had up of you before. i can't imagine getting that much hair cut off. it's a cute new hair cut though. it reminds me of what alice in twilight's hair looked like in my imagination. how do you know line? i don't think i know anyone personally on blogger but hey, i might.
griffinrider, that is so cool that your grandpa is still alive. it would be really scary if your brother joined the army. i don't know how i would handle a family member being away for that long and possibly being in harms way.
jin, grilled pineapple is REALLY good. i love to have chicken and grilled pineapple on a nice breezy summer evening. it's sooo yummy. sorry that no one serves anything else. i often have a slight problem finding food that i like. i'm sorta a picky eater. making sense is over-rated. i love being random and having no one understand what you're talking about.
star, glad you're back. which sister are you speaking of? i think they're both cute. and my brother is okay but quite annoying at times. do you have a memorial day over there in the uk? i think someday i would like to live in the uk for a year. maybe go back home, maybe make it my home.
talk to you guys later.
have a swell day!
woo hoo! go jin!
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