Here she is! And pictures of my dad's other children. None of me, I couldn't find a good one! My sisters playing together. Avarie and Harper
Just Avarie. I took this one, I'm pretty proud.
Keigon. You can't really tell here, but he is evil. I took this one, too.
Keigon again. Playing soccer. Or not. Man, I sure take a ton of pictures!
That's them. I am currently digging throught my computer to find a picture worthy of being put on the world wide web.
No wonder I can't find one, I take all of the pictures. Always behind the camera.
p.s. correction from an earlier post, Harper's middle name is Elisabeth not Elizabeth. Sometimes I think my step mom needs to be put on meds. Why must she do everything so strangly?!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Posted by Beachbum at 3:29 PM
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wow! your family is so cute!
hiya bechbum! (i'll call ya BB) how are you? i love meeting new people, thank you for looking at our blog, so i'm here to check out yours and i agree that your family is so cute! i have 3 brothers & 0 sisters. 2 are older, 1 is younger
thanx! but notice, no pics of me, i wonder why?! i don't want to put an ugly picture of me on the internet. i'm having a hard time finding one that i actually like.
i like meeting new people, too! yor blog is pretty cool and i will be sure to check it often from now on. i'm so jealous of you, i want an older brother soooo badly! they just seem so... great. yeah, i think that's the word. talk to you later. bye.
and i want a sister, oh well, i have my friends that are like sisters to me. and i atually have 3blogs: (no one but us goes on there) (that's the most boring out of ours, once again, no one but us goes on there) (That's the one you visited)
i have older and younger brothers, and older and younger sisters. wow, i guess i have it all. i never really appreciated that fact until now. so, thank you!
Those are ridiculously cute pictures.
Just in case you were actually curious, Cuttlefish are part of the Cephalopoda family (cepholopods), like octopus and squids. They're not really fish, they have a shell that you can't see (people use it for tons of different things, you've probably seen it (that white thing) in parakeet's cages). I read a lot about them, and many different sources say they're very intelligent. Relating them to a cat is the best most people could come up with because, really, they're a fish. Its hard to compare.
Hope that helps a little!
i dun really have 2 OLDER brothers, just 1 older, 1 younger, 1 twin brother. he's older by 2 minutes
so i guess it's just you and your mom, huh? i don't know how i would handle three brothers and no sisters. i always wanted a twin. do you two look fairly similar or not? cause my friends are fraturnal sisters and look totally opposite.
you have like the coolest family ever. i want a big family like you have. how young is you youngest sibling? my youngest is 15 years younger than me. i was at the mall the other day and someone thought she was mine! i was ABSOLUTLY horrified. and offended. and a tiny bit amused.
thanks, about the pictures that is. so how do you think my photographing skills are? be honest please. and thanks for the background on cuttle fish. who knows, i may become a marine biologist someday. probably not though.
me & my twin are faturnal twins and look nothing alike exept our hair color. i'm also 3 inches taller than him so everyone thinks i'm older, but most people don't even know we're twins. then when i say "my twin" there all "YOU HAVE A TWIN?!" and i go through the whole explaining process. also, i've known some of my friends for a whole year and they JUST noticed i'm left handed
my youngest sibling is a year old. well, a little older- she'll be two in september.
my brother nad sister are twins, too, though they look alike. at lest, more alike than most other people in my family. i once dressed my sister up like my brother, and put a funny hat on her to hide her hair. my mother didn't know the difference! when we pulled the hat off, she shrieked. it was hysterical.
i want twins in my family. i don't know why. it sounds fun. or maybe triplets. my step-mom's step-mom is a triplet. she and her sisters used to trade places in highschool for tests and stuff. do you think your parents will ever have any more children? do you want more siblings?
Awww :) Those pics are cute.
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