Friday, April 4, 2008


Sooo...*long awkward pause*
Anyway, I was wondering, what does your hair look like? This may sound like a stupid question but really I want to know. And it could be a stupid question. If you let me know, I'll let you know.

Have a swell day!(Hey, how's that Star?!)


Alannah said...

Kinda random, but whatever...

My hair is a little longer than should length and its honey brown with curls.

Alannah said...

I meant shoulder length, sorry

Beachbum said...

yeah, i know it's really random. sorry. mine is strangely similar. just past the shoulders, blonde, and curly. i usually straighten it though. no one else in my family has curly hair at all. it's weird. sometime i'll put a picture on here. thanx for answering.

AliceLostWonderland said...

short, mousey, icky, thin, wavey
:-% its HORRID!!

have a swell day is swell!!
i rrreeeeaaaaalllyy do hate my hair though!
u r soooo lucky 2 have blonde hair and curly hair!

havva a nice day

AliceLostWonderland said...

going away a bit so im sayinn goodbyes, seeyoou!!
havva nice day

Beachbum said...

you said that i was lucky for having curly blonde hair. i just laughed. first of all, blonde hair is over rated and over used. i want brown hair but mommy said no! second, just because you have blonde hair doesn't mean you or your hair look like blondes you see in mags. i do not look like that and i have really thin hair. like if i want to curl it with a curling iron, it will only stay like that for a few hours, tops. very annoying. sorry i'm rambling. anyway, check out your blog, i left a comment.

griffinrider said...

my hair is dark brown, straight, and very long- it's past my waist. i like that it's easily manigable. i never gel or mousse or spray my hair, or anything like that. gel grosses me out.

why is it that no one is satisfied with their hair? in school, everyone always has the same conversation: how their hair is gross and everyone else's hair is great. it's starting to annoy me.

why are we talking about hair, by the way?

Beachbum said...

mmm...i think i'm missing something. sometimes i'm a little slow. never mind, i just got it, you responded on the other post. anyway, about the youtube video, when you get the sound back you should watch it. they lipsynch to i believe in a thing called love. i find it really entertaining. random things like that make my world go 'round.