Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I was talking to an out of state friend today, and came to the conclusion that I want a job. And I want to drive. With a permit that is. My friend lives in Iowa and she has her drivers permit. Lucky. She is 14 and so am I, but do I get mine, no. And she could have a job if she wanted. The most job like thing I can do is babysit and mow the lawn. In my opinion, all of the states should have the same laws on driving ages and job ages. Aren't we supposed to be united? Does anyone feel the same way I do on the situation? Let me know.


griffinrider said...

i would love to get a steady job. i babysit every once in a while. though i am working this summer. i'm actually a little upset that i'm not going to camp like usual, but whatever. it would be amazing if i could drive now!

by the way, i ckecked out the web site you gave me, and i didn't see any dragons. was i supposed to?

Kaylyn Machelle said...

Hi Christine!
I work at a non-denominational Christian church in southern California. I work with junior high and high schoolers, but I'm incredibly passionate about high school girls like you. If you ever want to talk about anything please feel free to contact me at I would love to chat :)

Mella said...



Beachbum said...

griffinrider, i too would enjoy a steady job. next year is the magic year for employment. i cant wait. and about the website. no you were not supposed to actually see dragons. but the background of the picture and the interior of the doll house look similar to me. idk. maybe i’m just crazy.

thank you for responding, maybe i will e-mail you some time.

mella marie, so i’m kind of guessing that you don’t like the idea of a movie being done of twilight. why not? do think you will end up going to see it?

griffinrider said...

ick, i HATE movie versions of books. they kill the imagination. if i were to ever publish my book (which would be totally amazing), i would have to think long and hard before letting them turn it into a movie. do authors even have a say in things like that?

and who is kaylyn? some sort of missionary? be careful...

violet said...

i wish i could get a job. i could really use the money.

Alannah said...

I wish I could get a job but there's not many places where I live that offer jobs to 14 yr olds.

Beachbum said...

it seems like we are all in a position of wanting a job, but not having one. where i live, you can't even get a job at 14, you have to be at least 15.

about the movie remakes. for me, it doesn't really ruin the imagination factor for me. i always read the book before watching the movie so i know what i think. even if the characters aren't how you think of them, you don't really lose what you had made up already. at least i don't.

and about kaylyn, don't worry, i found her. i found her blog after trying to find more religious debates like the one with the mii maker. she is not some weirdo trying to sell her beliefs to me.

~Silver said...

I would prefer to be able to drive, cause technically I already can work, but school is swamping me to much to even consider it.

~Silver said...

Everyone wanting a job, I think you can get one, my cousin told me you just need to get a permit through the schools, I think finding a job that will take you is another story.

Beachbum said...

silver vara,
thanks for stopping by. about the job permit through schools, i know what you're talking about. but for every state the laws are different and where i live, the minimum age is 15. like i said, my friend in iowa could have a job, but i can't. and school is pretty busy for me, too. i guess for now i'm okay with babysitting here and there. bye.

violet said...


Mella said...


How awful. Poor you. Creepy old men.
